fsk Kino am Oranienplatz

fsk Kino

The fsk cine­ma is an inde­pen­dent art­house thea­ter in Berlin Kreuzberg … wei­ter­le­sen

what’s on:

Nick Cave and the Birthday Party in a pub in Kilburn, London, UK on 22 October 1981. (Photo by David Corio/Redferns)

Mutiny In Heaven, the sto­ry of the Post-Punk-Band The Birthday Party
[Tickets & Termine]

An Essay about Jazz and mur­der and Lumumba and colo­nia­lis.
Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat
[Tickets & Termine]

Tim Roth & Trine Dyrholm in a new film by Désirée Nosbusch.
Poison – Eine Liebesgeschichte
[Tickets & Termine]

The Village next to Paradise The atmo­sphe­ri­cal­ly den­se fami­ly dra­ma was the first Somali film ever to cele­bra­te its inter­na­tio­nal pre­mie­re in the com­pe­ti­ti­on of the “Un Certain Regard” sec­tion at this year’s Cannes Film Festival..
[Tickets & Termine]

Henry Fonda for President A won­derful­ly com­plex cine­ma­tic memo­ri­al to both the USA and sto­rytel­ler and actor Fonda – the pre­si­dent that never was.
[Tickets & Termine]

A real Pain

A Real Pain Mismatched Cousins on a trip in Poland.
[Tickets & Termine]

Juror #2

The last Clint Eastwood movie.
Juror #2
[Tickets & Termine]

Light is a fasci­na­ting phe­no­me­non. Without light, the­re would be no cine­ma, no film – and no life.
Tracing Light – Die Magie des Lichts
[Tickets & Termine]

Mohammad Rasoulof’s new Film and German Oscar nomi­nee:
Die Saat des hei­li­gen Feigenbaums
[Tickets & Termine]