What our fathers did: A Nazi legacy

A film by David Evans. n eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.


Three men tra­vel through Europe, visi­ting sites of Nazi war cri­mes in Poland and the Ukraine. For two of the three, the jour­ney con­fronts them with the deeds of their fathers. Niklas Frank is the son of Hans Frank, once General Governor of Poland, also known as the „but­cher of Poland”. Horst von Wächter’s father Otto was Governor of Galicia. The man who initia­ted the jour­ney is renow­ned lawy­er Philippe Sands, who lost part of his fami­ly in the Holocaust. During the cour­se of the three men’s encoun­ter with the past, con­flicts emer­ge. While Horst von Wächter defends his father, Hans Frank is fil­led with an almost obses­si­ve hat­red. Two sons, two com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent truths. The film is an extra­or­di­na­ry docu­ment about the lega­cy of mass mur­de­rers and their influence on the descendants.


GB 2015 96 Min., engl. OmU
Regie : David Evans

Drehbuch : Philippe Sands
Kamera : Philipp Blaubach, Matt Gray, Sam Hardy
Schnitt : David Charap
Protagonisten : Philippe Sands, Niklas Frank, Horst von Wächter