Utøya 22. Juli

A film by Erik Poppe. Starts September 20th at the fsk.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

On 22 July 2011 five hundred young peo­p­le atten­ding a sum­mer camp on the island of Utøya were atta­cked by a hea­vi­ly armed right-wing extre­mist. The mur­de­rous attack clai­med the lives of 69 vic­tims. It was a trau­ma that rocked Norway to the core, and still does to this day. Director Erik Poppe has dared to attempt to turn the events of that sum­mer into a film. His dra­ma opens with docu­men­ta­ry foo­ta­ge of Oslo whe­re, short­ly before­hand, the same atta­cker had explo­ded a car bomb kil­ling eight peo­p­le; the sce­ne then shifts to the island. The came­ra fol­lows 19-year-old Kaja who is spen­ding a few days of the holi­day here with her young sis­ter Emilie. The two are quar­rel­ling becau­se Emilie is in no mood for the camp and has abso­lut­e­ly no desi­re to go to the bar­be­cue. And so Kaja ends up going alo­ne. Suddenly, the first gunshot is heard.
This first shot marks the begin­ning of a breathl­ess 72-minu­te-long recon­s­truc­tion of events, film­ed in a sin­gle take, as seen through the eyes of the vic­tims. Kaja’s despe­ra­te search for Emilie. The fear in the eyes of the young peo­p­le. Their escape into the forest. Their despe­ra­te hope of res­cue. And the unknown ass­as­sin, get­ting clo­ser and closer.


U – July 22
Norwegen 2018, norw. OmU, 90 Min.
Regie: Erik Poppe
Kamera: Martin Otterbeck
Schnitt: Einar Egeland

mit: Andrea Berntzen
Aleksander Holmen
Brede Fristad
Elli Rhiannon Müller Osbourne 


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 



Utøya 22. Juli | Offizieller Trailer Deutsch HD | Jetzt im Kino