The Trouble With Being Born

A film by Sandra Wollner. Scheduled for July 1st.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Somewhere in Central Europe, per­haps in the vici­ni­ty of Vienna, in the near future. Ten-year-old Elli is an android, as we soon learn. She takes shape through pro­gramming and this turns her into a fan­ta­sy figu­re. Firstly for a man she calls “Daddy” with whom she lies by the pool and for whom she dres­ses up in the house at the edge of the forest. Elli is the ves­sel for his memo­ries, which mean not­hing to her, but ever­y­thing to him. One day he runs after a stran­ge echo and gets lost in the dark­ness while Elli, who fol­lows him, is picked up by stran­gers. A new iden­ti­ty awaits her, a new ghost­ly exis­tence – as a blank screen onto which others can pro­ject their loss of the para­di­se that is child­hood. Austria’s new voice for the nexus bet­ween desi­re and the abyss, fear and mys­tery, fee­ling and emp­tin­ess is Sandra Wollner. As in Das unmög­li­che Bild, in her pro­vo­ca­ti­ve second fea­ture film she deve­lo­ps the plot from a com­plex basic con­stel­la­ti­on (not the other way around) and recon­s­tructs fami­lies that never exis­ted. And so the machi­ne beco­mes a mir­ror of human emo­ti­on, and the film a cap­ti­vat­ing lad­der into vir­tu­al and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal realities.


AU/DE 2020, 94 Min.,
Regie: Sandra Wollner
Kamera: Timm Kröger
Schnitt: Hannes Bruun
mit Lena Watson, Dominik Warta, Ingrid Burkhard, Jana McKinnon


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