The Square

A film by Ruben Östlund. In swe­dish with ger­man subtitles.

The Square is a 2017 Swedish sati­ri­cal dra­ma film direc­ted by Ruben Östlund and star­ring Claes Bang, Elisabeth Moss, Dominic West, and Terry Notary. The film is about publi­ci­ty sur­roun­ding an art instal­la­ti­on, and was part­ly inspi­red by an instal­la­ti­on Östlund and pro­du­cer Kalle Boman had made. It was shot in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Berlin.

The film was ente­red into the 2017 Cannes Film Festival, whe­re it recei­ved posi­ti­ve reviews and won the Palme d’Or. It was sub­se­quent­ly sel­ec­ted for the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival.

In the after­math of the aboli­ti­on of the Monarchy of Sweden, the Stockholm Palace has been con­ver­ted into an art muse­um. Christian is a cura­tor at the muse­um, who finds his pro­gres­si­ve world view shaken when his mobi­le pho­ne is sto­len. While mana­ging a space set to show a new instal­la­ti­on pie­ce, he finds a public rela­ti­ons com­pa­ny to pro­mo­te the instal­la­ti­on, crea­ting a gre­at deal of cha­os. (wiki­pe­dia)

Schweden 2017, schw. OmU, 142 Min.
Regie & Buch: Ruben Östlund
Darsteller: Claes Bang, Elisabeth Moss, Dominic West, Terry Notary, Christopher Laesso, Jan Lindwall