Talking Money

A film by Sebastian Winkels. Starts March 28th at the fsk. In German.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Talking Money is an obser­va­tio­nal docu­men­ta­ry shot at bank con­sul­ta­ti­on tables all over the world. Weaving sto­ries from eight count­ries into one glo­bal money con­ver­sa­ti­on, it vir­tual­ly trans­forms the cine­ma into a bank. Purely experiential!

Who are we when we talk about money?

Intimate con­ver­sa­ti­ons in an imper­so­nal place: from Bolivia to Pakistan, Benin to Switzerland, men and women sit down across from their neigh­bor­hood ban­kers to dis­cuss the inti­maci­es of their finan­cial lives. Far from the gla­mour of distant Wall Street, this is the rea­li­ty of per­so­nal ban­king, whe­re one’s life pro­blems are a mat­ter of business.

In fif­teen spon­ta­neous­ly recor­ded encoun­ters, the bank table turns into a stage for con­fes­si­ons and mas­quer­ades, whe­re con­sul­tants and cli­ents try their best to look solid and trust­wor­t­hy. Filming enti­re­ly from the bank’s side of the table, Sebastian Winkels offers the audi­ence a place in a bizar­re power play, explo­ring a com­pli­ca­ted rela­ti­on cal­led ’money’.

A mul­ti-voi­ced com­ment on capi­ta­lism that reve­als how the invi­si­ble power of money works on all of us, no mat­ter who and whe­re we are.


CH/DE 2017, 83 Min.,
Buch/Regie/Kamera: Sebastian Winkels
Schnitt: Frederik Bösing


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Talking Money – Rendezvous bei der Bank (offi­zi­el­ler Trailer)