Reşeba – The Dark Wind

A film by Hussein Hassan.

Reşeba – The Dark Wind is the first fea­ture nar­ra­ti­ve deal­ing with the geno­ci­de against the Yazidi peo­p­le living in the Kurdish Shingal regi­on through the so cal­led Islamic State.

The young Yezidi love cou­ple Reko and Pero gets sepa­ra­ted when the Islamic State attacks their vil­la­ge in the Shingal regi­on of Iraqi Kurdistan. The ter­ro­rists mur­der many vil­la­gers and sell the beau­tiful Pero on a slave mar­ket. But Reko sear­ches for his fian­cée and finds her in Syria. They find shel­ter in a refu­gee camp but Pero is deep­ly trau­ma­ti­zed and the future of their love is uncertain.

Irak, Deutschland, Syrien, Katar 2016, 92 Min., OmU
Regie: Hussein Hassan
Drehbuch: Mehmet Aktaş, Hussein Hassan
Darsteller: Rekish Shahbaz, Dimen Zandi, Maryam Boobani, Nalin Kobani, Helket Idris