Nach dem Urteil

A film by Xavier Legrand.  In French with German subtitles.

As their divorce comes through, Miriam and Antoine Besson have not­hing left to say to each other – what has still to be sett­led is now done through their lawy­ers. Caught in the midd­le are their aff­lic­ted child­ren, the young adult Joséphine and her youn­ger brot­her, Julien. The fami­ly court deci­des that both par­ents should get cus­t­ody of their son – a bit­ter pill for Miriam to swal­low, as she thinks her ex-hus­band is out of con­trol and dan­ge­rous. The situa­ti­on pro­ves par­ti­cu­lar­ly dif­fi­cult for Julien, who is forced to navi­ga­te both the emo­tio­nal world of his bel­oved mother and that of her polar oppo­si­te, his father. As the situa­ti­on beg­ins to esca­la­te, the boy tri­es ever­y­thing to pre­vent the worst from happening.
Director Xavier Legrand’s com­pel­ling and inten­se direc­to­ri­al debut dis­plays an extra­or­di­na­ry sen­se of dra­ma­tur­gy. What beg­ins as an authen­tic, sen­si­ti­ve fami­ly dra­ma deve­lo­ps into a high-ten­si­on thriller.


Jusqu’à la garde
Frankreich 2017, 94 Min., frz. OmU
Regie & Drehbuch Xavier Legrand
Kamera Nathalie Durand
Schnitt Yorgos Lamprinos
Léa Drucker (Miriam Besson)
Denis Ménochet (Antoine Besson)
Thomas Gioria (Julien Besson)
Mathilde Auneveux (Joséphine Besson)



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