
A film by Daniel Kötter. In Armenian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Landshaft sket­ches the psy­cho­geo­gra­phy of a geo­po­li­ti­cal­ly char­ged land­scape and its inha­bi­tants bet­ween extra­c­ti­vism, war and dis­pla­ce­ment. In the form of a jour­ney in eas­tern Armenia, the film fol­lows human and non-human actors as they make their way through the land­scape, from Lake Sevan to the Sotk gold mine, occu­p­ied by Azerbaijan sin­ce the Karabakh War in 2020.


DE 2023 96 Min., arme­nisch mit deut­schen und eng­li­schen Untertiteln,
Regie, Buch, Kamera, Schnitt: Daniel Kötter 

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