Knochen und Namen

Knochen und Namen

A film by Fabian Stumm. In German and French with German subtitles. 

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Don’t ask me how I feel about some­thing if you don’t want to hear it!” “I do want to hear it, but some­ti­mes it’s just not true.” Actor Boris and wri­ter Jonathan are a cou­ple. But their rela­ti­onship has rea­ched a point whe­re they might as well spend their evenings tog­e­ther sepa­ra­te­ly: one lies in bed rea­ding scripts, while the other works at a desk in the next room. Immersing hims­elf deeper and deeper into rehear­sals for a new film with an ambi­tious direc­tor, Boris beg­ins to con­fu­se real and fic­tion­al cha­rac­ters; mean­while, Jonathan tri­es to rede­fi­ne his voice as a wri­ter. During the­se days spent strugg­ling with emo­tio­nal distance and clo­sen­ess, trust, desi­re and fear of loss, Boris’s litt­le nie­ce Josie flits about like Shakespeare’s Puck, test­ing her boun­da­ries.
Knochen und Namen is actor Fabian Stumm’s direc­to­ri­al and screen­play fea­ture-length debut. Unfolding in humo­rous and ten­der sequen­ces that take place in demar­ca­ted, cha­rac­te­ristic set­tings (bed­room, super­mar­ket and rehear­sal room), his film is an intel­li­gent and enter­tai­ning reflec­tion on relationships.


DE 2023, 104 Min., dt., frz. OmU
Regie: Fabian Stumm
Kamera: Michael Bennett
Schnitt: Kaspar Panizza
mit Fabian Stumm, Knut Berger, Marie-Lou Sellem, Susie Meyer, Magnus Mariuson, Doreen Fietz, Alma Meyer-Prescott, Anneke Kim Sarnau, Godehard Giese

KNOCHEN UND NAMEN Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]
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