Jenseits des Sichtbaren – Hilma af Klint

A film by Halina Dyrschka.  In Swedish, English and German with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The art world made a sen­sa­tio­nal dis­co­very – unfort­u­na­te­ly a cen­tu­ry too late. In 1906, Swede Hilma af Klint pain­ted her first abs­tract work, long befo­re Kandinsky, Mondrian, or Malevich. She crea­ted more than 1,000 abs­tract pain­tings that remain­ed hid­den to posteri­ty until now. How can it be that a woman foun­ded abs­tract pain­ting at the begin­ning of the 20th cen­tu­ry and nobo­dy took noti­ce? This cine­ma­tic approach to this pio­neer, who­se sen­su­al oeu­vre is artis­ti­cal­ly fasci­na­ting, pres­ents her lifel­ong search for mea­ning, see­king under­stan­ding of life bey­ond what is visi­ble. Hilma af Klint’s extra­or­di­na­ry intellec­tu­al world ran the gamut from bio­lo­gy, astro­no­my, and theo­so­phy to the Theory of Relativity, ther­eby wea­ving a fasci­na­ting cos­mos of sen­sa­tio­nal pain­tings and notes. A stag­ge­ring body of work that neces­si­ta­tes the rewri­ting of art history.


DE 2019, 93 Min., schwe­disch, eng­lisch, deut­sche OmU
Regie: Halina Dyrschka
Kamera: Alicja Pahl, Luana Knipfer
Schnitt: Antje Lass, Mario Orias
