In den Gängen

A Film by Thomas Stuber. In german.

Christian is new to the super­s­to­re. He mute­ly plun­ges into this unknown uni­ver­se: the end­less ais­les, the eter­nal order of the warehou­ses, the sur­re­al mecha­ni­cisms of the for­k­lift trucks. His col­le­ague Bruno from the drinks depart­ment takes him under his wing, show­ing him all the tricks of the trade and soon beco­mes a fat­her­ly fri­end. Marion from the con­fec­tion­a­ry depart­ment likes to have a bit of a laugh and a joke with Christian. When he falls in love with her, the enti­re warehouse is roo­ting for him. But Marion is mar­ried, albeit unhap­pi­ly by all accounts. All of a sud­den she goes on sick lea­ve. Christian falls into a deep hole, so deep in fact, that his mise­ra­ble old life threa­tens to engulf him once more.
In his film In den Gängen Thomas Stuber opens a win­dow on the world of an ordi­na­ry worker in the east German pro­vin­ces. A cho­reo­gra­phy of peo­p­le and things, rea­li­ty, desi­res and dreams unfolds in pre­cis­e­ly framed images. The ever­y­day is trans­for­med into a magi­cal rea­lism which tran­s­cends this ten­der love sto­ry to point ten­ta­tively towards the con­cept of hope.

Berlinale 2018 Competition

Deutschland 2018, 125 Min.

Regie: Thomas Stuber
Buch: Clemens Meyer, Thomas Stuber
Kamera: Peter Matjasko
Schnitt: Kaya Inan
Franz Rogowski (Christian), Sandra Hüller (Marion), Peter Kurth (Bruno), Andreas Leupold (Rudi), Michael Specht (Paletten-Klaus), Ramona Kunze-Libnow (Irina), Henning Peker (Wolfgang), Steffen Scheumann (Norbert), Matthias Brenner (Jürgen), Gerdy Zint (Tino)



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