
A film by Govinda Van Maele.

Early one sum­mer mor­ning a young man, with a secret stas­hed away in a duf­fel bag, emer­ges from the forest. In a near­by vil­la­ge he asks around for work, but the far­mers, sus­pi­cious to the point of hosti­li­ty, are not very forth­co­ming. Only when Lucy, the mayor’s unru­ly daugh­ter, takes a liking to him, does the vil­la­ge chan­ge its atti­tu­de: he is prompt­ly offe­red a job as a farm­hand and a cara­van to live in.

As time pas­ses and he is gra­du­al­ly inte­gra­ted into the com­mu­ni­ty, it emer­ges that he’s not the only one with a past to hide. Something sinis­ter is lur­king under the imma­cu­la­te sur­face of this pic­tures­que litt­le world – and it is slow­ly dra­wing him in.

Luxemburg, Belgien, Deutschland 2017, 107 Min.
Regie & Buch Govinda Van Maele
mit: Frederick Lau, Vicky Krieps, Marco Lorenzini, Leo Folschette, Gerard Blaschette, Irina Blanaru u.a
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