
A film by Thorsten Trimpop.

FURUSATO 古里 reve­als the unu­su­al rela­ti­onship bet­ween a land­scape and its inha­bi­tants. Over the cour­se of a thousand years, the exu­berant natu­re of Japan’s eas­tern coast has beco­me inter­wo­ven in the lives of its peo­p­le. Here, the earth is sacred – but now, it is tain­ted with the invi­si­ble dan­ger of radia­ti­on. For tho­se who have deci­ded to stay, the rural sce­ne sur­roun­ding the cripp­led Fukushima Daiishi nuclear power plant remains the place they call home – their furu­sa­to, the first place they expe­ri­ence as child­ren and the last one they will see befo­re they die. A monu­men­tal por­trait of a woun­ded com­mu­ni­ty and an unspa­ring look at the human cost of pro­gress, the film illu­mi­na­tes the four years that fol­lo­wed the worst nuclear dis­as­ter of our time. Here, no one mea­su­res in half-lives. This is about eternity.

Deutschland, USA 2016, 94 Min., japan. OmU
Regie: Thorsten Trimpop
Kamera: Thorsten Trimpop
Schnitt: Stefan Oliveira-Pita


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