Doch das Böse gibt es nicht

A film by Mohammad Rasoulof. In Farsi with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Heshmat, an exem­pla­ry hus­band and father, gets up very ear­ly every day. Where does he go? Pouya can­not ima­gi­ne kil­ling ano­ther man, yet he is told he must do so. Javad doesn’t know that pro­po­sing to his bel­oved won’t be the only sur­pri­se on her bir­th­day. Bahram is a phy­si­ci­an but is unable to prac­ti­ce medi­ci­ne. He has deci­ded to explain to his visi­ting nie­ce the reason for his life as an out­cast. The four sto­ries that com­pri­se Sheytan vojud nadarad (There Is No Evil) offer varia­ti­ons on the cru­cial the­mes of moral strength and the death penal­ty, asking to what ext­ent indi­vi­du­al free­dom can be expres­sed under a des­po­tic regime and its see­mingly ine­s­ca­pa­ble thre­ats. Mohammad Rasoulof only crea­tes a loo­se nar­ra­ti­ve link bet­ween the­se sto­ries, and yet they are all tra­gi­cal­ly and inex­orab­ly con­nec­ted. In the con­text of struc­tu­ral oppres­si­on, choice seems to be limi­t­ed to eit­her resis­ting or sur­vi­ving. But with each abrupt­ly inter­rupt­ed sto­ry, we are urged to con­sider how men and women can assert their free­dom even in such situations.

Golden Baer – Berlinale 2020


OT: Sheytan vojud nadarad, IR/DE/SZ 2020,
139 Min., far­si OmU,
Regie & Buch: Mohammad Rasoulof
Kamera: Ashkan Ashkani
Schnitt: Mohammadreza Muini, Meysam Muini
mit: Ehsan Mirhosseini, Shaghayegh, Kaveh Ahangar, Alirezy Zareparast, Salar Khamseh


