Dil Leyla

A film by Asli Özarslan.

At 26, a Kurdish-German woman is elec­ted the youn­gest mayor in Turkey. In a record 81% lands­li­de she is elec­ted mayor of Cizre, a Kurdish capi­tal city that lies in the war-torn regi­on at Turkey’s bor­der with Syria and Iraq. It is here that Leyla was born, but after her father was kil­led by the Turkish mili­ta­ry, she was sent at the age of 5 to live in Germany. After more than 20 years, she returns home. Her goal is to heal and beau­ti­fy the civil-war-torn city, which is enjoy­ing a break in the vio­lence. But on the eve of Turkey’s par­lia­men­ta­ry elec­tions, ever­y­thing chan­ges, and old memo­ries beco­me more real than ever.


D 2016, 71 Min.
Regie: Asli Özarslan
Kamera: Carina Neubohn
Schnitt: Ana Branea