Der Rausch

A film by Thomas Vinterberg. Starts July 22nd at the fsk. In Danish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

What do Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Ernest Hemingway have in com­mon? All three are examp­les used by Martin, the midd­le-aged hero of DRUK, to demons­tra­te the trans­for­ma­ti­ve power of alco­hol – while also being excu­ses to get was­ted hims­elf. He works as a tea­cher at a Danish high school, whe­re he has lost his focus over the years and been strugg­ling with his fro­zen mar­ria­ge. Rather sur­pri­sin­gly, alco­hol beco­mes his cata­lyst for a new way of life – albeit only if he mana­ges not to mess up on it. As in most of their films, Vinterberg and his wri­ter Tobias Lindholm look out for ano­ther weak spot in bour­geois self-con­cep­ti­on, with “everyman’s favo­ri­te drug” taking the lime­light this time around. Their approach, howe­ver, is very Danish: DRUK is not the stu­dy of a loner, but rather a bit­ters­weet dra­ma of male fri­end­ship, as Martin and his tea­cher-pals try to con­trol their con­sump­ti­on within a group expe­ri­ment; they are out to rese­arch its social (and marital) effects, from one level of into­xi­ca­ti­on to the next. For Vinterberg, this is a ligh­ter, more loo­se­ly direc­ted film than usu­al, with a pen­chant for male debauch­ery. For Mikkelsen, it’s an espe­ci­al­ly rewar­ding part, as he fol­lows a tra­jec­to­ry from ten­der bro­ken­ness to the eupho­ria of a fan­ta­stic dance sce­ne à la Fred Astaire. (Dominik Kamalzadeh)


Druk, DK 2020, 110 Min., dän. OmU,
Regie: Thomas Vinterberg
Kamera: Sturla Brandth Grøvlen
Schnitt: Janus Billeskov Jansen
mit: Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Lars Ranthe, Magnus Millang, Maria Bonnevie

DRUNKANOTHER ROUND – Trailer OVdf [Schweiz]

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