Der Boden unter den Füßen

A film by Marie Kreutzer. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Lola is almost thir­ty. A suc­cessful manage­ment con­sul­tant, she is con­stant­ly on the move bet­ween the com­pa­nies she is tas­ked with res­truc­tu­ring. Her chic apart­ment in Vienna is more of a mail­box and a laun­de­ret­te than a home. A hundred working hours a week is not uncom­mon in addi­ti­on to five ses­si­ons at the gym, expen­si­ve din­ners with cli­ents and nights spent in ste­ri­le hotels. Her care­er, which she is advan­cing with cle­ver­ness, effi­ci­en­cy and ruthl­ess cun­ning, appears to be unstoppable. She appli­es a simi­lar­ly disci­pli­ned approach when it comes to mana­ging her pri­va­te life. This means that nobo­dy is allo­wed to know about the exis­tence of her older sis­ter Conny, who has been suf­fe­ring from men­tal ill­ness for a long time and who never lea­ves her apart­ment. But when Conny attempts to com­mit sui­ci­de, Lola sear­ches for a way to be the­re for her.
Marie Kreutzer’s por­trait of the jet-set­ting Lola reve­als that the­re is some­ti­mes just a thin line sepa­ra­ting polar oppo­si­tes such as order and cha­os, rise and fall – even for someone who thri­ves in a socie­ty fix­a­ted on achievement.



AT 2019, 108 Min.
Regie, Buch: Marie Kreutzer
Kamera: Leena Koppe
Schnitt: Ulrike Kofler
mit:Valerie Pachner Pia Hierzegger Mavie Hörbiger Michelle Barthel


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Der Boden unter den Füßen Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]