Das merkwürdige Kätzchen

A film by Ramon Zürcher.

[Credits]  [Trailer]

Siblings Karin and Simon are visi­ting their par­ents and their litt­le sis­ter Clara. That evening, other rela­ti­ves will be joi­ning them for din­ner. Over the cour­se of the day, the washing machi­ne is repai­red, peo­p­le sit tog­e­ther at the kit­chen table, car­ry out an expe­ri­ment with oran­ge peel, talk about lungs, and sew on a but­ton that was deli­bera­te­ly torn off.
This sequence of fami­ly sce­nes in a Berlin flat com­ple­te with cat and dog crea­tes a wond­rous world of the ever­y­day: Coming and going, all man­ner of doings, each move­ment lea­ding to the next, one word fol­lo­wing ano­ther. It is a careful­ly staged chain reac­tion of actions and sen­ten­ces. And in bet­ween, silent gazes and anec­do­tes about expe­ri­en­ces. The peo­p­le act oddly even-tem­pe­red­ly; their dia­lo­gues are direct and unemo­tio­nal. Even the pets and the mate­ri­al sur­roun­dings play a part. Some objects seem ali­ve as if by magic. Commonplace actions and fami­li­ar items appear absurd and eerie in this nar­ra­ti­ve cos­mos. Putting the absur­di­ties of dai­ly life on dis­play and trans­la­ting unspec­ta­cu­lar events into an exci­ting cho­reo­gra­phy of ever­y­day life, this film is no small feat.


Deutschland 2013.
Regie, Buch, Schnitt: Ramon Zürcher

Kamera: Alexander Haßkerl
Kostüme: Dorothée Bach
Ton: Benjamin Kalisch
Musik: Thee More Shallows
Szenenbild: Matthias Werner, Sabine Kassebaum
Maske: Vivien Rahn
Herstellungsleitung: Myriam Eichler
Producer: Johanna Bergel, Silvan Zürcher

Produktion: dffb, Berlin, in Koproduktion mit Ramon und Silvan Zürcher und Alexander Haßkerl

Darsteller: Jenny Schily (Mutter), Anjorka Strechel (Karin), Mia Kasalo (Clara), Luk Pfaff (Simon), Matthias Dittmer (Vater), Armin Marewski (Schwager), Leon Alan Beiersdorf (Jonas), Sabine Werner (Tante), Kath-
leen Morgeneyer (Hanna), Monika Hetterle (Großmutter), Gustav Körner
(Nachbarsjunge), Lea Draeger (Frau auf Balkon)

Format: DCP, Farbe. Länge: 72 Minuten. Sprache: Deutsch.
Uraufführung: 11. Februar 2013, Forum der Berlinale


„Das merk­wür­di­ge Kätzchen” Trailer

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