Congo calling

A film by Stephan Hilbert.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

In cri­sis-rid­den eas­tern Congo, one of the poo­rest regi­ons on earth, three Europeans are forced to ques­ti­on what it means to help. Raul, a French-Spanish eco­no­mist, rea­li­zes that his pro­ject funds are lea­ding his Congolese col­le­agues into gre­at tempt­a­ti­on, put­ting their stu­dy on rebel groups at risk of fai­ling. Peter, from Germany, is strugg­ling to pre­ser­ve his iden­ti­ty as an aid worker when he rea­ches reti­re­ment age after 30 years in Africa. And the rela­ti­onship of the young Belgian Anne-Laure is put to the test when her Congolese boy­fri­end, after a stay in pri­son, beco­mes a high-pro­fi­le regime cri­tic. Deeply per­so­nal insights into coexis­tence and coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween Europe and Africa – and the ques­ti­on: how hel­pful is the help of the West?


DE 2019, 90 Min., OmU
Regie: Stephan Hilbert
Kamera: Daniel Samer
Schnitt: Miriam Märk 


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