
A film by Markus Schleinzer.  In French and German with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

In the ear­ly 18th cen­tu­ry, a group of young slaves is brought to Europe. Among them is a 10-year-old boy whom a mar­chio­ness sel­ects to be an object of stu­dy. Given the name Angelo, he recei­ves a com­pre­hen­si­ve edu­ca­ti­on in lan­guages and music and is pas­sed around from Messina to Vienna as an exo­tic but Europeanized valet. Only Magdalena regards him as more than a deco­ra­ti­ve exhi­bi­ti­on pie­ce. Following his high­ly acclai­med fea­ture-film debut MICHAEL (2011), Austrian direc­tor Markus Schleinzer traces the true sto­ry of Angelo Soliman in well-com­po­sed tableaux vivants. This peri­od film was shot in the clas­sic 4:3 aspect ratio, cor­re­spon­ding to Angelo’s nar­ro­wed per­spec­ti­ve of being put on dis­play. The results are powerful imagery and an evo­ca­ti­ve film that exami­nes the exces­ses of colo­nia­lism both in their his­to­ri­cal con­text and in the pre­sent day.



AT/LU 2018, 111 Min., fran­zö­sisch-deut­sche OmU-Fassung
Regie: Markus Schleinzer
Kamera: Gerald Kerkletz
Schnitt: Pia Dumont
mit: Makita Samba, Alba Rohrwacher, Larisa Faber, Kenny Nzogang, Lukas Miko


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