
A film by Alexander Gorchilin.  In Russian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Stark naked, Vanya jumps to his death off a bal­c­o­ny. ‘If you want to jump, jump,’ Pete had told him. Before: a floo­ded apart­ment, a toi­let in the midd­le of the room, para­noia. Moby’s ‘Why does my heart feel so bad?’ on in the back­ground. Kislota (Acid), the sty­lish direc­to­ri­al debut of 26-year-old Russian actor Alexander Gorchilin, beg­ins like a trip and breathl­ess­ly con­ti­nues: Vanya’s fun­e­ral is fol­lo­wed by club­bing, drugs and the artist Vasilisk, who asks Sasha if he can pho­to­graph his cir­cumcis­ed penis. He may. Sasha beco­mes the focus of the film. The acid of the title first comes into play in the artist’s stu­dio when Vasilisk dis­sol­ves his father’s sculp­tures in it. Life is not bad in today’s Russia for the young, fat­her­less men at the cent­re of the film. They look good, but their lives have no sen­se of direc­tion. The bot­t­le of acid remains in the room the next mor­ning. It will con­ti­nue to play a role in the story.
Gorchilin finds powerful images for his depic­tion of a youth that seem to be losing their grip on life. And neither the cream-colou­red inte­ri­ors of their bour­geois homes, nor rhyth­mic gym­nastics or even the church seem to offer them any­thing to hold on to.



RU  2018,98 Min., russ. OmU,

Regie: Alexander Gorchilin
Buch: Valery Pecheykin
Kamera: Kseniya Sereda
Montage: Vadim Krasnitskiy
mit: Filipp Avdeev, Alexander Kuznetsov, Arina Shevtsova, Savva Saveliev 


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 


Acid (Trailer) from Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH on Vimeo.