Achtung Berlin

The fes­ti­val of new German Films coming from Berlin and Brandenburg is for the first time at the fsk.

April 10th – 17th (fsk: April 14th – 17th)


scree­ning at the fsk:

SO 14.4.

18:30 Der Stein zum Leben R: Katinka Zeuner | 78 min.‑2/der-stein-zum-leben/

In dia­lo­gue with the mour­ning, stone­ma­son Michael Spengler trans­la­tes life sto­ries into stone. Step by step the tomb­sto­nes take shape and crea­te a new con­nec­tion bet­ween the living and the dead.

21:00 Frau Stern R: Anatol Schuster | 78 min.

Mrs Stern is 90 years old, Jewish and sur­vi­ved the Nazis. Love, she lear­ned, is a decis­i­on. Death as well. But again and again she is char­mingly pre­ven­ted from put­ting an end to her life.

MO 15.4.

18:30 Congo Calling R: Stephan Hilpert | 90 min.

Three Europeans at the cri­sis-torn eas­tern Congo, three per­so­nal insights into the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween Europe and Africa. They want to help, but it’s more com­pli­ca­ted than expected.

21:00 Dreissig R: Simona Kostova | 114 min.

Six fri­ends in their 30s are clo­se to a mid life cri­sis. Together they are loo­king for a reward for all the things they have to endu­re in ever­y­day life.

DI 16.4.

18:30 Barstow, California R: Rainer Komers | 76 min.‑2/barstow-california/

With a vivid voice, within the pan­ora­ma of the Mojave Desert, Stanley »Spoon« Jackson reads from his auto­bio­gra­phy. An encoun­ter with avera­ge Americans and an explo­ra­ti­on of Route 66.

21:00 Das Melancholische Mädchen R: Susanne Heinrich | 80 min.

In fif­teen pas­tel-colo­red epi­so­des, a melan­cho­lic girl wan­ders around town loo­king for a place to sleep. Instead of adap­ting, she starts con­side­ring her depres­si­on a poli­ti­cal issue.

MI 17.4.

18:30 (M)other R: Antonia Hungerland | 87 min.‑2/mother/

A young film­ma­ker rai­ses the ques­ti­on: What makes a mother? The movie kalei­do­sco­pi­cal­ly des­cends on a jour­ney ques­tio­ning the ste­reo­ty­pe »mother« from a varie­ty of voices and perspectives.

21:00 Lost Reactor R: Alexandra Westmeier | 77 min.‑2/lost-reactor/

The sur­re­al ter­rains around a reti­red nuclear power plant in the Crimea are the sce­n­ery for a som­nam­bu­li­stic sto­ry about hope, dreams and stami­na at a place that has alre­a­dy given up on itself.